Monday, November 30, 2009

Full Circle.

TREND: The Implications of Paper Craft, part II

Photo of a paper garment from David Lauren's exhibition

Having started this trend blog with a post on the art of paper craft, I felt totally compelled to round out my 15 blog posts with a follow up. Whether influenced by my blog or not (most likely NOT), David Lauren (Ralph Lauren’s nephew) has created an exhibition that perfectly illustrates my earlier post about the interpretation of the relationship between fine art and fashion. Whereas I ended my first post with images off the runway of “paper crafty” looking outfits, this post reverses the process to demonstrate the influence of fashion on paper craft.

More photos from David Lauren’s exhibition

Apparently though, there is already quite a market out there for jackets made from the papery yet highly windproof and water repellant material, Tyvek.

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