Monday, November 30, 2009

Hope Fading Fast.

TREND: The growing disillusionment of President Obama’s promises from his HOPE campaign.

The infamous HOPE IS FADING FAST t-shirt by Freshjive

In the year or so since President Obama took office, some supporters have begun to lose faith, confidence, and hope in the President’s ability to undo the failures of the Bush administration and restore prosperity to America. While long lasting, positive change requires careful consideration before taking action, many argue that Obama has reneged on too many promises already and that the current administration is acting all too similarly to the one before it. It is no wonder then that companies like Freshjive have begun to openly express their frustrations. Needless to say this t-shirt has caused quite an uproar. Sadly I expect that we’ll be seeing more of these types of objects as economic recovery continues to remain distant.

A badly torn and faded photo of Obama's iconic HOPE sticker From

Obamas approval ratings since taking office nearly a year ago From

For those interested in finding out for themselves what the President has really done, check out this website which tracks the results of President Obama’s campaign promises.

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