Sunday, November 15, 2009

Urban Field Guide.

TREND: A strong outdoorsman aesthetic for guys this fall/winter season.

Even though Trend Union predicted a male trend towards androgyny and an effeminate look precisely a year ago during my first semester at Parsons, I’ve been noticing that a lot of guys this fall/winter have been wearing rugged, outdoor clothing- and doing a great job of it. I suppose with the help of brands like J.Crew, blogs like ACL, and the always influential Ralph Lauren, men still have the option to look stylishly masculine. It’s my own hope that the trend will continue and that the outdoorsman aesthetic will collide even harder with tailored clothing to produce some really spectacular looks for guys who still want to look like guys, but extremely tasteful, well-put together guys.

All the right elements – Jacque Cousteau red beanie, beard, boots, and backpack.
Photo by me. Soho, fall 2009.

Boots for any environment, urban or natural.
Photo by me. Soho, fall 2009.

The slickest hunter I’ve seen on the streets. All black, all business.
Photo by me. Soho, fall 2009.

Quilted hunting jacket with shoulder pad.
Photo by me. Soho, fall 2009.

Ready for a pheasant hunt…ooorr a trip on the subway?
Photo by me. Soho, fall 2009.

…but the guys at Ralph Lauren still do it the best.

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